
Business Management

By Lance Johnson 16 November 2023

How introverts can be successful at sales

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Learning from the pros

Learning from the Pros interviews professional entrepreneurs who are currently in the trenches growing their businesses. Through insightful conversations, we unpack their common business challenges and identify the lessons every business owner needs to learn so they can accelerate their own business growth. Learning from the Pros is produced by Amplomedia in partnership with Troy Media.

Today we’re joined by Matthew Pollard, author of the Introvert’s Edge book series and a public speaker who travels the world teaching introverted people how to be successful salespeople. Matthew is also the National Brand Ambassador for BX Networking, an organization that educates small business owners on how to develop and grow their businesses so that they can live the life they’ve always wanted. Matthew is often called the Rapid Growth Guy because he challenges business owners to think differently and transform their businesses to be more successful.

A learning disability left Matthew with a sixth-grade reading level by the time he graduated high school. This learning disability caused Matthew to become incredibly introverted in his teen years and had caused him to lose jobs and miss out on opportunities. However, it also pushed him to do better. This push would eventually see him become the renowned author, public speaker, and small business guru that he is today. Today, Matthew has helped transform over 3,500 struggling businesses and run five multi-million dollar successful businesses of his own.

Today’s Guest

Matthew Pollard is responsible for five multi-million-dollar business success stories, all before the age of 30. His humble beginnings, the adversities he faced, and his epic rise to success show that anyone, with the right motivation and the right strategies, can achieve anything they set their mind to. Today, Forbes calls him “the real deal,” Global Gurus lists him as a Top 3 Sales Professional, Top Sales World Magazine named him a Top 50 Speaker, and BigSpeak lists him as an international Top 10 Sales Trainer. He’s also the bestselling author of The Introvert’s Edge, which hit the Amazon charts as the eighth Most-Sold Book of the Week, appears on HubSpot’s list of the “Most Highly-Rated Sales Books of All Time,” and was selected by BookAuthority as the #2 “Best Introvert Book of All Time.”

Our Host

Lance Johnson
Lance Johnson

Lance Johnson is the president of Amplomedia, an innovative digital marketing agency specializing in motion graphic video production and digital marketing services. He leverages more than 20 years of experience in marketing and business strategy to help clients identify how best to engage their audience while effectively communicating their messages with clarity and impact.

For interview requests, click here.

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Learning from the pros

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